Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 57: Binge Recovery

As I write this entry, I'm on the way down from a jump-up, thanks in part to the Plateau Buster. After ending a weekend binge and shifting to a more normal application of the Plateau Buster - a large slice of coffee cake as the main meal of the day - my weight is beginning to drop. It's one pound away from the all-blog low point I had established last week.

As the diet I'm on reaches the sixty-day point, I'm beginning to see glimmers of myself as a thin man. That pinch-the-stomach test I've brought up from time to time - in my case, it's "grab at all the fat you can around the area of the belly button" - shows 2 1/2 inches on the left side of the belly button and 2 5/8 inches on the right. One thing I've found is that your appearance changes in unexpected ways when you thin up. When I glanced at myself recently in a window that had served as a shadowy mirror, what struck me about my appearance was how wide-mouthed I appeared. As the "fat features" disappear, other features of the body become noticeable.

Of course, one of the drawbacks about the Saturday-night binge party I discussed in yesterday's entry is that it makes for a hungry Sunday. A heavy head might be bad enough for some, without the addition of a hungry stomach to it (even if water is zero calories.)

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 221 pounds.

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