Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day 41: "Plateau Bust," Second Day

Today is the second and final day of me eating a (comparatively) huge breakfast and small supper, and nothing in between, with the breakfast being sugary. I've settled upon glazed donuts for this trial: five of them in the morning. At 950 calories for that meal, I'm left with 300 calories, or less, for supper.

This "plateau busting" technique is designed to shake the body out of normal fat-burning mode, where five small meals are eaten each day. If it works in shaking out the accumulated fluid, then overnight urination will be greater than normal.

I'm summing up the technique, as based upon my recent experience with it, because it largely works. The last plateau I faced was 230 pounds, a level that I stayed at for three days most recently. Now, after using the "plateau buster" for two days, I'm down four pounds from the plateau level. Unless something weird happens tomorrow, it looks like I can call the "plateau buster" a success and take the quotation marks off it, while I go back to the five small meals/day that I've become habituated to.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 226 pounds.

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