Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day 38: Down To Slow, But In The Right Direction

I suppose it couldn't have lasted, although fluid accumulation may be kicking in as well. After the first day of resuming the 1,250 calorie/day ration rated by my present weight, I've lost little, but I have lost a little.

One technique that might work in spotting fluid buildup is the use of a hand-caliper technique that I first saw in a late-1970s' Special K ad. Every now and then, I pinch my belly, after tightening my belt up, and measure the girth I've pinched with a measuring tape. Each side of the belly button gets one pinch. (If you're interested, the accompanying slogan of the ad was, "Pinch an Inch and You're Overweight." And yes, it was aimed at men - or their wives.)

Recently, I had pinched 2 3/4 inches on the left side of my belly button and 3 inches on the right side. Just now, I got a measure of 3 inches left, 3 1/4 inches right.

Since I've been losing weight as the measure has increasesd, the notion that I'm getting fatter isn't plausible, especially since I haven't eaten above 1,250 calories since last Saturday. (Three days - 1,000 calories/day; 1 day - 1,250.) Unless my body has figured out the trick of redistributing the fat in it, there has to be something else expanding my belly.

The most plausible guess is that it's water, a byproduct from using the glucose that a hungry body turns its fat into. (Interestingly enough, the other main byproduct of glucose consumption is CO2.) Unfortunately, my previous attempts to get any water out of my body haven't met with success, weight-wise. There is, however, one trick I haven't tried as of yet: sweatin' it out.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 229 1/2-230 pounds.

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