Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 47: Lower Metabolism, No Drop

The first day I've used the Plateau Buster with a non-sugared food item was definitely a "bust." My metabolism has slowed down, and my weight as measured today hasn't shrunk. Given what I know of the technique, this result is a sign that it's not working as it should.

So, I'm calling a halt to it in its present form, and am shifting back to the sugared alternative - which, for me, has meant sweetbreads (danishes, donuts, cinnamon buns) up to now. My digestive makeup may be unusual in this respect, but that's what the results for me show: no sugar means no metabolism boost, no unusual increase in urination, no weight loss. I'll have to confine experimental alternatives of the Plateau Buster to sugar-centric foods.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: still 226 pounds.

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