Monday, August 13, 2007

Day 43: Approaching A Kind Of Closure

Fully clothed, I've weighed in at 228-229 pounds this evening, which is the same weight I was when I started this blog. It took me about 32 days to go from 229 pounds to about 264 pounds. It's taken me 43 days to go from c. 264 pounds to about 229 pounds, fully clothed. Had I stuck to my original calorie level of 850 C/day, I probably could have reversed my c. 35 lb. weight gain in the same time that I gained it.

This was not to be the case, for two reasons. The first reason is, I've had several diet interruptions, with one being completely self-imposed and the others being ones in which I was basically complicit, as I could have taken sick. The other reason is the shifting weight scale, which has bumped me from 850 calories/day to 1,250/day. The reasons behind the use of this kind of calorie scale are also two in number: one, to link future hunger satiation with weight loss; two, to head off any incipient anorexia. There's always the risk of getting to love dieting so completely that the process becomes an end in itself. If you consume more calories than you take in, regardless of what your present BMI is, then you will lose (more) weight over the long term.

Although my weight is the same now as it was when I started, my body isn't quite the same shape as it was. On the one hand, I've still got a bit of a pot; on the other hand, I'm (mostly comfortably) wearing my belt at a notch tighter than where it used to be. So, the distribution of my fat has changed so as to make me more "apple-ish," even though I'm at the same weight that I was at the beginning.

Unless I zig-zag, I'm on the verge of going into weight territory where I haven't been for years. I have three pounds to go before I clock in at a weight lower than any of the scale readings I've had while writing this blog.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 225 pounds.

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