Thursday, August 2, 2007

Day 32: Looking Back

Despite some earlier hopes of mine, I can confirm that it has been harder to take it off than to put it on in terms of time. Weighing myself in the old way - clothes on - got a figure of 235 lbs., six pounds heavier than when I started off on the weight-gain track.

Of course, this point is easy to realize logically, because the most I can shrink my calorie intake is to zero/day (which of course is lunacy.) At that intake, given how much I've lost (and occasionally gained) on intakes ranging from 850 to 1,250 calories/day, I would have lost a little more than a pound a day. If my intake while fattening up had been sufficient to add, say, 2 lbs/day in that same amount, there's no way I could have taken it off in that same stretch of time.

In a way, I'm glad I began to get somewhat comfortable with being fat. Even now, I still look fat, and technically I'm on the heavy side of "obese." A serious diet takes so long, you have to acquire a liking for dieting as well as somewhat of a liking for the shape you show. Otherwise, the wait may begin to grate.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: Back to 230 pounds.

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