Saturday, July 7, 2007

Day 6: The Psychological Sink

Last night, I had to buy something from the grocery store. While there, I lingered over the old foods that I used to enjoy. I felt a certain trepidation while going there, and at times experienced a headache with saggy cheeks and pursed lips, while there.

As it turns out, that trepidation was for good reason. Today, the bursts of hunger were worse, and without a pressing task in front of me, a listlessness took over. For the first time since the start of this diet, I "woke up" right after eating.

I believe that the difficulties I had today were caused by me breaking structure too soon. I'm still "food-homesick," to put it another way. Thankfully, I haven't cheated, but I was veering to a close call.

The usual method I use to get my mind off my hunger has a drawback, which I found out about last night: doing the same task while using a different method leads to doing it badly. This may result from the tiredness, but the tiredness largely results from the hunger. Word to anyone who tries it: stick to the old procedures if practicable, and budget time for (perhaps extra) checking if your repetitive task is work. Going robotic is a possible side effect.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 252 pounds. Yep, for the first time since starting, I've gained a pound. This wasn't surprising, as the three-pound drop yesterday was suspiciously big. I probably gained a pound of water today, as I've been drinking a lot of it.

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