Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 22: Life On The Plateau

I'm still stuck on what has proven to be a real plateau for me, 240 lbs. unclothed. After looking at my body's changes, I have to conclude that this plateauing is due to water retention even though I can't prove it. The secret in dieting with endurance exercises may very well be the water loss due to sweating, not primarily the calorie burn. Any exercise as well as physical work that I've done or had to do in these last three weeks have had close to zero effect on my weight, probably because I haven't sweated all that much while engaging in them.

With regard to last night's social outing, where it was already known that I was on a diet, eating a full meal resulted in me becoming pleasantly but unusually tired. That's how it most likely would show if your stomach capacity hasn't shrunk to the point where you get physiologically stuffed by a regular ration.

With regard to the shift from 4-5 meals a day to two, I used a kind of food which, I hope, will trick my body into thinking the good times are back: a cinnamon bun, with lots of frosting. It's the kind of treat that I haven't touched in three weeks, if you don't count that licorice binge. Doing so has quelled the hunger pangs for a time span about equal to both breakfast and lunch, although it was on top of the full meal I ate last night. It remains to be seen whether or not this attempt to trick my unconscious will have the intended effect.

If not, it's back to the drawing board for me.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: still 240 pounds.

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