Friday, July 6, 2007

Day 5: Drifting Back

The sleeplessness that had dogged me ever since starting this diet is still there. In addition, the nostalgia technique seems to have set off an added spate of hunger. This morning, I thought that my being late for a meal yesterday meant that the experiment format was broken. (Actually, this diet is too loose to be a real experiment, as I don't control for water intake and activity.) So, I thought of shifting my diet a little to include a food item that I indulged in last month, only in a sufficiently small quantity to fit into the 850 calories/day intake I've confined myself to for the last five days.

Planning for it released a fair bit of hunger today. Even the water couldn't quell it like before, making the regimen harder to stick to.

Evidently, my self-insulation through nostalgia hasn't gone far enough. Me following through on that intention would put my diet at risk.

Weight as of approx. 6 PM today: 251 pounds. Given my earlier weight-loss rates, this looks like a pre-plateauing bonus.

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