Tuesday, June 5, 2007


In my recent baseline preparation for the latest gorge fest, I've discovered something. My June-centered goal to quickly accumulate poundage has run into a roadblack. I've actually plateaued.

Here's something else that's funny. After stuffing myself - most recently with a mushroom, ground beef and three-layer-cheese pan pizza whose volume seriously belied its area - I've begun to feel a kind of lassitudinous, not unpleasant buzz. Recently, I've also been sweating and, at times, panting like the stereotypical fat man.

Best guess: stuffing the face and filling the stomach right to maximum-F induces a rise in metabolism rate, which some may find pleasurable indeed, like feeling exercised without having to move a muscle (except for gastro-intestinal ones.)

This is new to me, but I suspect it's old and familiar to a hard-core fatboy. In the early stages, you can even kid yourself into thinking that the "gastro workout" fully compensates for the extra calories - and, when the plateau is over, you can fool yourself by remembering the early stages plus any intermediate weight-plateaus.

Weight before gobbling down a true my-cheese-runneth-over pan pizza: 233 pounds. I checked it three times.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Mr. Ryan....Well you certainly are stuffing yourself!!! But edible oil.....all on its own?? What is that about?

Why not make a very fattening Caesar Salad dressing with it...and don't forget the cheese crutons. Your pizzas sound nice, but all those hot dogs in one sitting??? I admit to craving the odd Harveys Hotdog from time to time, but what is the most appealng (and probably fattening) is the condiment loaded toasted bun.

Fruit is also high in calories. How about starting the day with a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, then a Strawberry/Banana/Chocolate Milkshake (with ice cream of course), followed by a stack of Blueberry Pancakes with maple syrup. Might help you get over that plateau :-)

Keep up the good work! P.S. I also have some good "diet" suggestions for July.

Daniel M. Ryan said...

You're quite imaginative, Nala! Thanks for the comment.