Thursday, June 14, 2007

Chicken À La Whole

1.973 kg worth; that's what it says on the label. That's about 4 1/3 pounds of bird.

Of course, this is gross weight. Some of it was bone, and some of the juice got lost in the drip pan. So, having a nearly 2 kg chicken for dinner sounds more impressive than it is. This weight disparity is, of course, what side dishes are for. As I've done one before, a full dinner plate had to serve as the side plate, and a plastic jug-salver had to be commandeered to hold the main course. The two potatoes and three onions I added more than made up for the bones I left behind. (They did fill up the dinner plate - no kidding.)

This meal, unsurprisingly, filled me up plenty enough so that I couldn't pull out the bread, take it to the drip pan, and enjoy a "busman's dessert." I do have limits.

Wight before I gave a chicken carcass a decent burial: 241 lbs.


Anonymous said...

Hello...Since there hasn't been an update on the Black Trial blog since earlier this morning I thought I would drop in here to see how you are doing. I was happy to hear that you forwent the "bussmans dessert"!! Your weight is packing on nicely, however I still suggest that you consume some fruits and (green) veggies.

With aplogies for sounding like your mother......:-)

Daniel M. Ryan said...

Nice to see you back, Nala. Yep, I now weigh more than I ever have in my life. Things are proceeding nicely...although July may be a different story.