Saturday, June 16, 2007

Garfield Would Feel Challenged

Why? Because I've just chomped down a 5 lb. lasagna. Given the poundage, I had to take this one moderately; the closest I came to Garfieldesque table manners was insufficient use of the cutting knife, by restauranteur's standard. I used the fork all the way. It took me 45 minutes for 5 pounds of stuff-filled pasta - 9 minutes per pound. Not bad; less than an hour for the dinner.

Interestingly enough, this entire hunk of wheat, meat and added extras was about 2500 calories. Had I gone skimpy on breakfast and lunch, or skipped off on one or both, I could claim to have eaten a normal amount of calories for a man.

Weight before loading me up: another plateau. 241 lbs.

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