Thursday, June 7, 2007

Brain Food

There's nothing like a nice fish dinner. This definitely includes a bite of rainbow trout, even if it's one "fresh from the farm." Actually, the farm fish I scarfed down was pretty good, even if the butter chunks inside mostly ended up on the drip pan.

This particular chunk of fishhood grossed in at 1.8 kg, or 3.5 pounds. Some of this weight, of course, was head, tail, fins and bones, but the weight difference was roughly made up for by a generous "family serving" of fries.

Yes, it was quite a family meal. Since I happen to be a family of one, I felt satisfyingly justified in eating it all. Even if I had to use a platter as a plate, and a dinner plate as a side plate.

Weight before this family dinner: 233 pounds. Still.

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