Saturday, June 2, 2007

First Experiment

As part of the full dinner and dessert, I had a "Pizza for One," designed for the microwave. It's called "Celeste," and according to the label on the back, it carries 380 calories per pizza and weighs 188 grams. It has a little saturated and trans fat in it.

It was easy to cook in the microwave, and came out nicely done after the recommended time expired. It was easier than the warning label cautioned to get it on the plate and ready to eat.

Since this is microwave food, and a basic serving at that, the dough was a little crunchy, but what was above the crust was quite nice. When I had finished gulping a single one down, my stomach felt full, and even warm. It left an aftertaste of spice. Once finished dinner, there was enough room in my gut for a dessert of approx. 500 g of ice cream. 'Tis the season, after all.

One more note: the above experience with the "Pizza for One" is based upon a selection from the appropriate experiences I actually had while ralfing down four of them. The ice cream followed the last in the "inverse sampling" chain.

[The box did say "Pizza for One," but no time date was specified betwen the last and the next. With a little opportunistic brass I can claim to have eaten "a pizza for one."]

Strangely, despite my pre-gorge preparatory nibbling (I need the stomach expansion), my weight clocked in at 226 pounds before starting to cook and eat. I had actually lost three pounds between this entry and the last; homeostasis evidently works both ways.

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