Saturday, August 4, 2007

Day 34: Still Stuck

I don't quite know how to explain it. Despite me going back to the 1000 calories/day that my present weight rates, and despite me reaching into a fool-the-body trick that worked once before, my weight is still the same. Today's weighing is still two pounds above the one I reached two days ago.

This plateau I'm on is the first serious one I've encountered since starting the diet. I might even be reduced to reducing my calorie intake back to 850 calories/day. The ironic aspect to this plateau is that my sense of hunger has been reduced: this morning, my stomach was audibly growling for some minutes, but I didn't feel hungry while it was doing so. The most I felt was that I ought to be hungry. So, even though I'm not losing any weight right now, I'm still seeing a benefit from becoming used to dieting: the hunger you feel at the beginning of one does eventually go away. All it takes is endurance and perseverence, and the pangs become less noticeable once you've seen through about 3 weeks to a month's worth of diet; it does get easier as time goes on. The diet habit can get so strong that it's possible to "break diet," go back on it, and treat this break as no more momentous than the off-time between work weeks.

Two notes. First of all, the entry is up early because of another social occasion I'm going to. As is customary, I'm going to get rid of any gifts of food that I've gotten over the past week in an all-out off-the-diet evening. Secondly, a note about "plumbing." I've found that my #2s are much more watery than they used to be, though not at the level of personal embarassment.

Weight as of approx. 3 PM today: Still at 232 pounds.

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